Museum of Recent History Celje

Muzej novejše zgodovine Celje

The Museum of Recent History of Celje was established in 1963 and is situated in the former Celje Town Hall in the very centre of the town. The Museum houses eleven collections, in which it collects, preserves, studies and exhibits the movable cultural heritage of the Celje region from the beginning of the 20th century to present days.

In addition to permanent collections (Life in Celje, Slovenian Dentist Collection, Old Pot, Pelikan Studio, Children Museum – Herman’s Den), the Museum also houses several interesting temporary exhibitions.

Other important elements of its activities include the following: museum workshops, lectures, presentations, guided tours and other public events. The Museum also hosts the Herman Lisjak Sweetshop, where children can have their birthday parties, the Museum Coffeehouse and the Museum Shop.

The Museum premises are accessible to functionally disabled individuals.

Exhibitions and events

Living in Celje

Permanent exhibition

Permanent exhibition about Celje and its people in the 20th century The permanent exhibition Living in Celje is a unique tribute to the city on the Savinja River. It tells story of everyday life of...

Photographic skylight studio of Josip Pelikan

Permanent exhibition

Photographic studio from the end of the 19 th century This exhibition opened in 1989. The photographer Josip Pelikan worked in the studio from 1920. Today the studio contains a permanent exhibition...

'Stari pisker' Collection

Permanent exhibition

Memorial for victims of Nazi violence The building of the former Minorite monastery was reshaped into a penitentiary; that is when the whole building was given the name 'Stari pisker'. In the...

Children's museum Herman's den

Permanent exhibition

Children's museum and the place of children's creativity The exhibition opened in 1995 and is still the only children’s museum in Slovenia. The museum for children draws its contents both from the...

Dentistry collection

Permanent exhibition

Technical heritage of Slovene dentistry The dentistry collection is unique in its contents: it exhibits old instruments and equipment that were used by Slovenian dentists, dental surgeons and dental...

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Educational programs

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23. 01. 2013

Book New trends in museology

Museum of Recent History Celje

Muzej novejše zgodovine Celje je izdal knjigo o novih trendih v muzeologiji, avtorjev Petra van Menscha in Leontine Meijer-van Mensch. Knjiga Novi...

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