Give us freedom of thought. Schiller's Drama in Slovenia, temporary exhibition

In the theatre of his time, Friedrich Schiller (1759–1805) – also in the wider European space – shone like a comet, garnering incredible enthusiasm from the audience and quickly penetrating the stages of Austrian theatres. In the 1791/92 season, a travelling theatre group from Klagenfurt staged his early plays, Intrigue and Love and The Robbers, at the Estates Theatre in Ljubljana. Schiller's tragedies in German were in the repertoire of the Ljubljana theatre until the end of the First World War.

With the exhibition marking the 220th anniversary of Schiller's death, we want to draw attention to his presence in Slovenian culture and his influence on our literature and theatre. The first book translations date back to the 1940s, when Slovenians did not yet have the conditions for such demanding stage challenges as staging Schiller's works.

Exhibitions and events

E-xhibition "Alenka Bartl, Costume-Designer"

Permanent exhibition

Virtual exhibition by the National Theatre Museum of Slovenia and Novi ZATO Alenka Bartl, Costume Designer "Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame." (Thomas More) Alenka...

E-razstava "Festival Borštnikovo srečanje 2012"

Permanent exhibition

E-razstava Festival Borštnikovo srečanje 2012 je v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku dostopna na spletni strani Virtualna...

IN PURSUIT OF A THEATRE - From the Jesuits to Cankar

Permanent exhibition

The permanent exhibition offers a beautiful view of the beginnings and the main currents of Slovenian theatre, its integration with European cultural activity, and its role in the forming of the...

E-razstava "Gledališki utrinki 1966-2010"

Permanent exhibition

Leta 2010 sta Slovenski gledališki inštitut in Festival Borštnikovo srečanje pripravila razstavo ob 45. obletnici Borštnikovega srečanja (avtorica razstave in izbor...

E-razstava "Festival Borštnikovo srečanje 2011"

Permanent exhibition

E-razstava Festival Borštnikovo srečanje 2011 je v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku dostopna na spletni strani Virtualna...

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Activities from this museum

Gledališki rojstni dan v SLOGI – Gledališkem muzeju

Praznuj svoj veseli rojstni dan z gledališko obarvanim, igrivim in...

Izobraževalni programi SLOGI – Gledališkega muzeja

PONUDBA ZA SKUPINE Moje gledališče v malem* ustvarjalna delavnica, 60 minut,...

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