E-xhibition Maribor Theatre Festival

Permanent exhibition

E-razstava Festival Borštnikovo srečanje 2013 je v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku dostopna na spletni strani Mtf Virtualna razstava – pripravili so jo Festival Borštnikovo srečanje, Novi Zato in...

E-razstava "Festival Borštnikovo srečanje 2014"

Permanent exhibition

E-razstava Festival Borštnikovo srečanje 2014 je v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku dostopna na spletni strani http://repertoar.sigledal.org/razstava/festival-borstnikovo-srecanje-2014 Virtualna...

Slovenski Hamleti

Permanent exhibition

E-razstava je dosegljiva na spletni strani http://repertoar.sigledal.org/razstava/hamlet-na-slovenskem Virtualna razstava ob 400-letnici smrti Williama Shakespeara – pripravila sta jo Slovenski...

Theatre Möderndorfer, Travelling exhibition

Collaboration exhibition until 01.08.2024

In 2022, the monography Gledališče Möderndorfer was published, which is unique in Slovenian theatre publishing, both in its scope (1216 pages) and in its content. In it, Vinko Möderndorfer focuses...

The Landmarks of Theatre Acting

Permanent exhibition

The making of the exhibition The Landmarks of Theatre Acting arose from the intent to come closer to the elusive artistic expression existing only in the moment of the performance. Since it is not...