E-xhibition Maribor Theatre Festival

Permanent exhibition

E-razstava Festival Borštnikovo srečanje 2013 je v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku dostopna na spletni strani Mtf Virtualna razstava – pripravili so jo Festival Borštnikovo srečanje, Novi Zato in...

E-razstava "Festival Borštnikovo srečanje 2014"

Permanent exhibition

E-razstava Festival Borštnikovo srečanje 2014 je v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku dostopna na spletni strani http://repertoar.sigledal.org/razstava/festival-borstnikovo-srecanje-2014 Virtualna...

Slovenski Hamleti

Permanent exhibition

E-razstava je dosegljiva na spletni strani http://repertoar.sigledal.org/razstava/hamlet-na-slovenskem Virtualna razstava ob 400-letnici smrti Williama Shakespeara – pripravila sta jo Slovenski...

Give us freedom of thought. Schiller's Drama in Slovenia, temporary exhibition

Temporary exhibition until 30.03.2025

In the theatre of his time, Friedrich Schiller (1759–1805) – also in the wider European space – shone like a comet, garnering incredible enthusiasm from the audience and quickly penetrating the...

The Day of the Nominees 2025 – the Young Playwright Award

Event on 02.04.2025 18:00

In the programme of the 55th Week of Slovenian Drama festival This year’s festival will again pay special attention to developing and promoting the creativity of young authors. At the Day of the...