IN PURSUIT OF A THEATRE - From the Jesuits to Cankar

The permanent exhibition offers a beautiful view of the beginnings and the main currents of Slovenian theatre, its integration with European cultural activity, and its role in the forming of the Slovenian national consciousness.


During the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, we added new dimensions and perspectives to the permanent exhibition, trying to place it more clearly onto the map of European theatre history. The vast saga extends from Reformation and Counter-Reformation theatre to the emergence of the Slovenian playwright of European magnitude, Ivan Cankar, at the turn of the 20th century, when Slovenian modern theatre began with the opening night of his drama Jakob Ruda. The permanent exhibition clearly shows that all key turning points and processes on this route bear the imprint of parallel European processes or European roots or influences. But there is also a marked emancipation of the Slovenian theatre with regard to being too closely connected to the latter – especially in terms of language and national independence.


The exhibition is open from Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM and on Saturdays from 10 AM to 5 PM. It is closed on Sundays and holidays (except on February 8, which is a Slovenian cultural holiday, Prešeren Day). Free admission.




Velika storia sega od gledališča reformatorjev in protireformatorjev in se sklene z nastopom slovenskega dramatika evropskega formata Ivana Cankarja.


Exhibitions and events

E-xhibition "Alenka Bartl, Costume-Designer"

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Activities from this museum

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