Summer University on Kizhi Island

What Summer University on Kizhi Island is:

  • a socio-cultural, museum and an educational project aimed at "education culture" of youth and adults, the formation of a specialist of the XXI century as a man of humanitarian and humanist, creative subject of culture;
  • a new form of teaching university students and pupils of secondary vocational schools, Teacher Training, Culture and management in the process of museum communication, under the active influence of the natural environment and historical and cultural heritage of. Kizhi;
  • experimental interdisciplinary platform for development and deployment:
    • in the educational process of higher education institutions and secondary vocational schools of new methods of museum education based on the use of historical and cultural heritage and the various types of monuments and museum collections;
    • innovative interactive forms of training graduate students, teachers, schools, vocational schools and universities, museum workers and other specialists with higher education as part of a "culture of education" system;
  • a place of knowledge, creativity,  meaningful recreation, spiritual communion.

    Summer University operates since 2003. It is located in a traditional house-complex, a monument of architecture of the early XX century, in the historic village on Kizhi Island. Groups are welcome from 1 June to 20 September. Duration of the session - 5-6 days.
Please contact us to apply for a program.

Exhibitions and events from this museum

Kizhi Architectural Ensemble

The main exhibition on Kizhi Island represents rich culture of the Russians,...

Activities from this museum

Summer University on Kizhi Island

What Summer University on Kizhi Island is: a socio-cultural, museum and an...

The educational and training center on wooden architecture conservation

The educational and training center on wooden architecture conservation...

Summer school on Kizhi Island

Summer school is a project that has been running since 1993. Every summer...

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