Slovenska kinoteka
The Slovenian Cinematheque functions as a bridge between the museum and cinematographic activity. It houses regular presentations of the film culture, provides historical studies, serves as an educational tool for the film historiography, encourages the process of collecting and preserving important film-related documents and objects, and promotes past and present achievements in the film industry.
The Cinematheque offers daily movie shows, cooperates with film- and other contemporary art festivals, and organizes movie retrospectives, museum exhibitions and educational programmes. Moreover, it also publishes a monthly programme journal called the Monthly and various books.
Razstava je zasnovana po sodobnih muzeoloških načelih in obiskovalcem z raznovrstnim muzejskim gradivom predstavlja stvaritve domačih igralcev in igralk, proces nastajanja filmskih vlog, jih...
Razstava posvečena Iti Rini (1903 - 1979) prikazuje njeno življenjsko in poklicno pot. Filmska igralka Ida Kravanja z umetniškim imenom Ita Rina se je rodila 7. julija 1907 v Divači in je...
V Muzeju slovenskih filmskih igralcev v Divači, dislocirani enoti Slovenske kinoteke, vsak mesec organiziramo otroške ustvarjalne delavnice. Udeleženci na igriv in sproščen način raziskujejo in...