Musée ethnographique de Slovénie
The Slovene Ethnographic Museum is a museum “about and for the people” – it is a museum of cultural identities, a link between the past and the present, between our own culture and foreign cultures, between nature and civilization. It is the central ethnological museum housing both Slovenian and foreign European collections. All collections are carefully preserved, examined, studied and exhibited by the Museum’s professional staff.
By means of its annual cycle of exhibitions and other events, and by means of its rich educational programmes and diverse publications, the Museum presents knowledge of traditional culture in Slovenia and of cultures from other parts of the world; of the material heritage of both everyday and festive ways of life, and of the more elusive heritage of insight, values, skills, wisdom and creativity in the Slovenian ethnic region, in the diaspora and elsewhere.
The Museum houses numerous collections, the central ethnological archive and photoarchive, a videotheque, an ethnographic film collection and a phonoteque. Its professional library is open to public.
The treasure house of Slovene and non-European heritage of the everyday and the festive Man as part of nature and as a civilised being marks in his own way the objects he has made in order to...
The permanent exhibition Between Nature and Culture presents the Slovene and non-European cultural heritage held in the Slovene Ethnographic Museum's collections. The exhibition I, We and Others:...
Po dogovoru tudi za dijake za poglobitev določene teme pripravljamo ustvarjalne delavnice.
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Svojevrstna razstava govori o človeku in njegovem umeščanju v svet. Skozi sedem razstavnih poglavij (Jaz – posameznik, Moja družina – moj dom, Moja skupnost – moj domači...
Dijaki spoznavajo stike Slovencev z zunajevropskimi kulturami ter preko kulturnih raznolikosti spoznavajo ljudstva vseh celin: Afrike, Amerik, Azije in Avstralije.
Z izbranimi predmeti na razstavi dijake popeljemo v življenje naših prednikov s poudarki na kulturni dediščini: stavbarstva, bivalni kulturi, oblačilih, šegah in navadah ter...
Priročnik o nesnovni kulturni dediščini je tretja publikacija, ki je izšla v naši knjižni zbirki Priročniki SEM . S publikacijo želimo...
Spet je leto naokoli in pred nami nov letnik Etnologa. V novem - spremenjenem uredniškem odboru ( Heleno Rožman je nadomestila Tita Porenta , Neno...
Oglejte si prispevek, kjer boste izvedeli kaj več o letošnjem programu in zgodovini Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja, ki šteje že dobrih 90 let :...
Ob 90-letnici muzeja Slovenski etnografski muzej razpisuje 3. fotografski natečaj na temo PRAZNUJEMO! Slovenski etnografski muzej v letu 2013 praznuje...