Each month, we invite a guest to write about a musical subject and highlight some of the material on Europeana Music. For the month of November, the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF – National...
It’s UNESCO’s World Day for Audiovisual Heritage today, a day to highlight the importance of preserving both sound and video heritage material.
So, here are three picks from our...
You have one more week left to participate in GIF IT UP. If you think it’s not enough time, read on and see how quickly you can create a GIF using a series of photos.
Start with...
Today we’ll learn how to make an animated GIF by playing with colours. The best material for this kind of GIF will include things that blink or go on-off such as lights, neon letters.
It happens about twice a year, and when it does, you’d better lock yourself in the house and wait until dawn. Or anything could happen to you. Better safe than sorry.
Astrology chart: table to...
Last week we showed how to make a GIF from a vintage video. Today, we will show you how to boost artworks with effects and stickers available on GIPHY.
Go to GIPHY’s GIF maker and upload a static...
Each month, Europeana Music invites a guest curator to talk about a musical subject and highlight some of the material on Europeana Music.
For the month of October, Pekka Gronow presents the Harry...
Always wanted to make an animated GIF, but didn’t know how? We have something for you! In the coming weeks, we will be showing some easy GIF-making techniques to help you create your GIF IT UP...
Yes, it’s already this time of year… Time for the fourth edition of GIF IT UP!
From 1 – 31 October , all GIF-makers, cultural heritage enthusiasts and lovers of the internet are...
Museo civico archeologico del Distretto minerario di Rio nell'Elba
“ Cultura e Natura ”, tema dell'edizione 2017 delle Giornate Europee del Patrimonio (hashtags #GEP2017; #culturaenatura), è un argomento di grande attualità che permette di approfondire...
In the beginning of July, we have invited you to show us how the places featured on the vintage postcards from our Picture This! exhibition look nowadays.
You flooded us with amazing photos...
Today we welcome the wonderful collections of the Mauritshuis into Europeana, published in high-resolution and released freely into the public domain for the first time.
Portrait of a Woman from...
Imeli smo srečo, da je vreme zdržalo. Gospa Scherbaum je tako lahko zbrala gospe in gospode, ki so si nadeli klobuček in se z njimi podala na Gosposko. Društvo Hiša in muzej smo združili sile in...
Europeana Collections can now be navigated in 4 more languages: Czech , Irish , Slovak and Slovenian .
These new languages now means that Europeana Collections can be navigated in 27 languages...
Spring, summer, autumn, winter … and spring The school garden is a didactic teaching aid, which in recent years has again gained an important place in Slovene primary and secondary schools, as well...
Narava in človek V slovenskih šolah in vrtcih je iz leta v leto več šolskih vrtov. To je zelo spodbudno zlasti ob dejstvu, da še vedno ogromno otrok vse preveč časa preživi v virtualnih svetovih...
Na pedagoški konferenci ECER, ki jo je pripravila EERA (European Educational Research Association) katere član je tudi Slovensko društvo raziskovalcev na področju edukacije (SLODRE),...
Slovenski šolski muzej je na mednarodni konferenci, ki jo je 18. in 19. maja 2017 v Zagrebu pripravil Hrvaški inštitut za zgodovino (Hrvatski Institut za povijest)...
Slovenski šolski muzej, ki je nastal leta 1898, spada med naše najstarejše muzeje in ima vsako leto okoli 17 tisoč obiskovalcev. Največ je osnovnošolcev, ki se pri igranih učnih urah lepopisja in...