Fully refurbished, the Royal Albert Memorial Museum has new displays showcasing the collections and collectors that have helped RAMM to become one of Britain’s finest regional museums. They...
In the volume K art ell. 150 items, 150 artworks takes form Kartell’s soul through 150 artist who have freely interpreted Kartell’s products with pictures, texts or stories, in the...
A contribution to send us into the complex and heterogeneous world of Italian design, led by Giulio Castelli, one of the leading protagonists and exponents, who tells us about his work: “Our...
Taschen has dedicated a monograph to the more than sixty years of history of Kartell, presenting the “plastic revolution” in daily life from post-war days up to the present, through the...
ATHENS — For 2,500 years, the six sisters stood unflinching atop the Acropolis, as the fires of war blazed around them, bullets nicked their robes, and bombs scarred their curvaceous bodies....
Vorstellung unseres Nostalgie- Museums
Die Ableitung aus dem griechischen „nostos“ und „algos", also „Sehnsucht heimzukehren", trifft genau den Schwerpunkt unseres...
The primary purpose of the reproduction and publication of rock carvings has always been to make this extensive and geographically scattered material accessible to research of different kinds.
Palazzo de Bassus-Mengotti - Museo poschiavino
La Valposchiavo ricorda una delle dinastie più particolari del suo passato Il Museo di valle dedica una mostra alla famiglia e la locale filodrammatica, in collaborazione con attori...
Plant lovers from far and wide enjoyed hunting for unique additions to their garden this weekend at Gilbert White’s in Selborne, at their Unusual Plants Fair. Despite the unreliable weather...
Complesso Monumentale di S. Maria La Nova - MUSEO ARCA
Akcija slovenskih muzejev in galerij bo že dvanajsto leto potekala na tretjo junijsko soboto, 21. 6. 2014 . Od 18. do 24. ure bodo vrata na stežaj odprta za ogled razstav, udeležbo na delavnicah,...
Torek, 3. 6. Ob 17.30 odprtje razstave likovnih del Otroškega vrtca Ajdovščina Slika v besedi in beseda v sliki , ki so nastala pod...
The worldwide community of museums will celebrate International Museum Day around 18 May, 2014. This year, the theme of the International Museum Day will be Museum collections make connections ....
Letos bo 18. maja (in okrog tega datuma) obeležilo praznovanje mednarodnega muzejskega dne veliko število slovenskih muzejev po celi Sloveniji z dnevom odprtih vrat s prostim vstopom in...
Museums at Night: Culture24's festival of inspiring after hours cultural events at museums, galleries and heritage sites. Thursday May 15 - Saturday May 17 2014. Museums at Night , which explodes...
Knjižnica Pilonove galerije odpira svoja vrata
Pilonova galerija Ajdovščina od letošnjega aprila ponuja javnosti dostop do svoje bogate knjižnice, ki skupaj s katalogi in...
More than 300 museums, galleries and cultural institutions from across the UK will come together on Twitter for the first ever Museum Week. In a effort to highlight the great work being done behind...
Ministrstvo za kulturo je pripravilo pregled osnovnih podatkov v kulturi s predstavitvijo dostopnosti, ponudbe in povpraševanja, materialnega položaja kulture, organizacije, kadrov in plač...