Quality cutlery designs for the Victorians, who would eat with the help of carvings of William Shakespeare and Lord Byron Joseph Rodgers & Sons, cutlers to Her Majesty, made these knives with...
Museum and archaeological site "Las Eretas"
Amazing objects, images and stories as the UK's best museums and heritage sites mark 100 years since the Battle of Jutland The Second Division at Jutland, Wyllie, W L (RA) IWM Non-Commercial Licence...
The latest excavations in the grounds of King Alfred the Great took place over an exciting weekend in a Hampshire garden Local residents within the precincts of the medieval Hyde Abbey took part in...
With her street art group Recoat, Amy Whiten painted a series of murals across Glasgow for the Commonwealth Games 2014. Her latest work is a giant mural at the city’s On The Corner Amy Whiten...
Artist Leanne Pearce has created Breastfeed, a series of powerful portraits of breastdeeding. The 34-year-old University of Sunderland graduate wants these paintings to celebrate and normalise...
The Vienna Court Opera was the carefully planned highlight of Gustav Mahler’s career as a conductor. On the 11 th of May, 1897 he debuted initially as a chapelmaster with Richard Wagner’s “...
Planet from “L’Espace céleste et la nature tropicale…” , The British Library, public domain
Today, mankind is reaching further out into space than ever before through our...