V sredo, 8. februarja 2017 , vas v okviru slovenskega kulturnega praznika med 9. in 17. uro vabimo v Galerijo Murska Sobota na brezplačen ogled kiparske razstave Janeza Boljke. Vodstvo po razstavi...
A lost World War One memorial plaque – dedicated to fireman Thomas McGarry who died in the sinking of the HMS Laurentic in 1917 – has been returned to his family decades later thanks to...
Gregor Antoličič has joined his knowledge with professor Igor Vodnik's collections and made an exhibition about Franz Joseph, emperor of Austria-Hungary, on the occasion of the centenary of the...
On 3rd December 2016 we have opened an exhibition about the Maribor' textile industry, a very important part of the industrial history of our city. Maribor used to be known as the "Manchester of...
Katalog istoimenske razstave, ki je na ogled od 3. decembra 2016 v začasnem razstavišču na Muzejskem trgu 2 na Ptuju, odstira materialno kulturo iz življenja na Ptuju pred tremi tisočletji. Ob...
V Pokrajinskem muzeju Ptuj - Ormož, v katerem hranimo največjo zbirko historičnih glasbil v Sloveniji, smo v soboto, 26. novembra, v slavnostni dvorani ptujskega gradu javnosti prvič predstavili...
Verdi as a composer, Verdi and the Italian Risorgimento, Verdi as a farmer, Verdi in the movies, Verdi as national icon… How many performers can boast such a wide impact on fields other than the...
William Shakespeare may have written that all the world’s a stage, but today on #LoveTheatreDay , all Europeana is a stage.
We’ve searched our collections to find artworks and...
It’s time to celebrate — we’ve reached 10K followers on Pinterest! In just one year we doubled our followers to 10,000 with users from all over the globe. We want to thank our Pinterest...
If someone is asked today, which operas of Antonio Salieri he or she knows, most of them will not come up with an answer, which is not surprising. The operas of Salieri had already started vanishing...
#GIFitUP is about creating #GIFs from public domain and openly licensed material available in digital libraries around the world. It is a great opportunity to discover some new interesting content,...
Artists including Bedwyr Williams and Marcus Coates will be summoning, conjuring and creating for Museums at Night October 27 - 29. Here's how Bedwyr Wiliams will be summoning the spirit of the...
Guest post by Clare Gibson, of The Army Children Archive (TACA)
What Europe’s children went through during the First World War is often overlooked by historians. Understandably, perhaps, if they...
Notation can be seen as the foundation of the creative output in classical music. Music autographs, manuscripts and sketches manage to give an insight into the composer’s mind and a glimpse to his...