Slovenians in the 20th Century

How well do you know Slovenian history? The 20th century is one of the most turbulent periods in the nation’s history. During this time, the territory of today’s Slovenia was part of several different countries, and Slovenians lived under various state systems, survived two world wars, joined the technological revolution, and achieved an independent state in the last war, the War of Independence. The exhibition’s narrative takes visitors through a First World War trench, past the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, to the personal stories and experiences of the Second World War, followed by the periods of post-war reconstruction, socialism and industrialisation, electrification and the planned economy. Visitors then follow the formation of the Yugoslav version of socialism, the years of “self-management”, and suddenly find themselves in the midst of the democratic upheavals of the 1980s, which finally led to independence in 1991. The tour concludes with Slovenia’s accession to the European Union in 2004 and its presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2008.

Exhibitions and events

Slovenci v XX. stoletju

Permanent exhibition

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Activities from this museum


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