From Bojana Stupica to Mateja Koležnik; the aesthetic effect of The Threepenny Opera

The Slovenian Theatre Institute and the Slovenian National Theatre Drama Ljubljana continue with joint lectures in the series SLOGI and Drama, where performances are questioned from the perspective of theatre history and placed in a broader artistic and social context before the premiere. Before the March premiere of one of the most famous operas of the 20th century, we will look at the history of performances of The Threepenny Opera on our stages with mag. Primož Jesenko from the Slovenian Theatre Institute. Free tickets at the Drama box office.

Exhibitions and events from this museum

E-razstava "Gledališki utrinki 1966-2010"

Leta 2010 sta Slovenski gledališki inštitut in Festival...

PORTRETI PRVAKOV - prejemnice in prejemniki Borštnikovega prstana (1970-2015)

Razstava je del velike razstave ob 50. obletnici Festivala Borštnikovo...

E-razstava "Festival Borštnikovo srečanje 2011"

E-razstava Festival Borštnikovo srečanje 2011 je v slovenskem in angleškem...

E-razstava "Festival Borštnikovo srečanje 2014"

E-razstava Festival Borštnikovo srečanje 2014 je v slovenskem in angleškem...

Activities from this museum

Gledališki rojstni dan v SLOGI – Gledališkem muzeju

Praznuj svoj veseli rojstni dan z gledališko obarvanim, igrivim in...

Izobraževalni programi SLOGI – Gledališkega muzeja

PONUDBA ZA SKUPINE Moje gledališče v malem* ustvarjalna delavnica, 60 minut,...

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