Sarajevo Survival Tools

The „Sarajevo Survival Tools” project is an outcome of the cooperation between the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Sarajevo (ETF) and the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the field of cultural heritage digitization. Inside this project we created a virtual presentation of the exhibition “Sarajevo under the siege” from the Historical Museum, which contains the objects created and used by the citizens of Sarajevo during the 3,5 years period when the city was under the siege (1992-1996). The digital content was created by the 3rd year students of the Computer Science Department, as a lab coursework in the Computer Graphics course. Each object is presented by the basic information, photo gallery, movie about its creation and purpose and the interactive 3D model.

This project enables the Internet users to learn about the life in Sarajevo under the siege and an extraordinary creativity of its citizens, who succedded to survive and defend their town in terrible conditions with lack of food, water, electricity and heating, under the permanent life danger. Particularly interesting are the movies, which, apart from the details about the objects, present the each student's personal perception of the war period that they survived as children.

Apart from the Internet presentation, we plan to display the created digital content in the Museum using an interactive display, enabling the visitors of the exhibition to find out more details about the objects and their origin, and to virtually turn them around and view them from all sides.


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