Museum for Peace

V okviru Evropskega leta kulturne dediščine je Slovensko predstavništvo Evropske komisije pripravilo opise slovenskih projektov v angleščini za objavo na spletni strani in v mesečnih novicah – tako je nastal tudi prispevek o projektu Muzej za mir.

"Museum for Peace – a European Story" in Maribor to mark the EYCH

Europe is characterised by impressive cultural diversity, but it's also tied together with common values such as freedom, peace, democracy, tolerance, welfare, equality, and solidarity.

With this very special educational programme, the National Liberation Museum Maribor and the European Commission Representation in Slovenia partner up to offer young people a discovery of heritage through a prism of European values.

The Museum has adapted and upgraded its original, award-winning education programme "Museum for Peace," which immerses visitors into an experience of dire consequences of intolerance, hatred and violence, into a "Museum for Peace – a European Story." Primary and secondary school students discover the heritage of Maribor through a wider European perspective. Farewell letters from prison, objects of war, photos of border queues, a voting box,… What stories do these objects tell us? The Museum's rich collections and interactive activities of this special guided programme invite students to explore how the common European values have developed over time, what they mean to us today and how they can be preserved for the future. Food four thought: what happens if we give them up?

During 2018, the museum will host at least 60 tailor-made guided tours and workshops for schools. Some of them will also be open to the general public. For the guided tours schools can apply at:, +386 (0)2 23 52 605.

The Museum for peace – a European Story is a partnership project of the National Liberation Museum and the European Commission Representation in Slovenia to celebrate the European Year of Cultural Heritage. School tours are free of charge.



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