Object of the Week: A bible baked in a loaf of bread from 16th century southern France
This article originally appeared on Culture24.
Object of the Week: We bring you a symbol of the struggles faced by one French family more than 400 years ago
© Huguenot Museum / French Hospital CollectionThe Fasquest family lived in the Drôme area of France and hid their faith. This hidden bible dates from around 1588-1590 – a time when the French state wanted Huguenots to give up their faith and become Catholic, persecuting those who refused.
Their family story tells that during a search of their home this bible was baked in a loaf of bread to hide it from state soldiers. The title page has been removed to conceal the printer’s identity.
The pages also list a record of family births, marriages and death until 1625.
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Source: http://www.culture24.org.uk/history-and-heritage/art532640-object-of-the-week-a-bible-baked-in-a-loaf-of-bread-from-16th-century-southern-france