Primary School Educational Service

Ordrupgaard offers, based on dialogue, guided tours and practical exercises, lasting from about 1 to 2½ hours. Teaching is based on the permanent collections of French and Danish art, architechture and the temporary exhibition. 


Tour guides:

The tour guides of Ordrupgaard are all students of art history or French from the University of either Copenhagen or Århus, with experience in communicating art and/or language to both children, youths and adults.

The tours are planned with the guides of Ordrupgaard with regards to your wishes and class level.



A guided tour at Ordrupgaard is normally within the hours 13.00 - 17.00, but it is possible - with an arrangement at the museum - to visit Ordrupgaard outside the opening hours. 



A tour can be followed by a visit in the museum workshop for children and young adults, located in the house of the gatekeeper. Here, the students will be assigned a creative exercise based in the guided tour within the museum. 

It is possible to eat your own lunch in the house of the gatekeeper on the 1st floor. 



Guided tours is booked by phone: 39 64 11 83, all days betweem 9-12.30 or email: 


Prices (max. 28 students)

Visit without a tour = 0 kr.

Guided tour 45 min. = 450 kr.

Guided tour and workshop 2½ time = 750 kr.

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