Loka Museum

Loški muzej Škofja Loka

The Loka Museum collections present events that took place in the river basins of Selška Sora and Poljanska Sora. The Museum is situated in the Loka Castle, which was first mentioned in 1215. 

The colonization of the area in the period between the Old Stone Age and the settlement of the Slavs is presented in the Archaeological Collection.

The Historical Collection portrays the establishment and development of the Loka feudal estates and castles, the town Vedute and the rich gild heritage (the collection is adjusted to the needs of the blind and the weak-sighted).

The Cultural-Historical Collection contains an overview of the local educational system; the Ivan Tavčar heritage; and the Kalan furniture. Furthermore, it is in possession of two facsimiles of extreme value, namely the Škofja Loka Manuscript and the Škofja Loka Passion.

The Art Collection consists of copies of frescoes and golden altars from Dražgoše, and the Loka Fine Art Gallery.

The extremely rich Ethnological Collection incorporates various themes: domestic culture, agriculture, traffic, sieve-making, lace-making, comb-making, hat-making, linen manufacturing, paint manufacturing, small bread and artificial flowers.

Collections in the Loka Museum are complemented by two additional collections – New History Collection and Natural Collection.

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Sprehod skozi 80 let Loškega muzeja Škofja Loka


Sprehod skozi 80 let Loškega muzeja Škofja Loka. Ogled muzeja pa bo mogoč do 24.00

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