International Centre of Graphic Arts

Mednarodni grafični likovni center

The International Centre of Graphic Arts (ICGA) is a specialized museum for contemporary graphics and printed art, and a gallery hosting exhibitions of Slovenian and foreign graphic artists, thematic group exhibitions and other printed- and contemporary-art exhibitions. The Centre’s main activity is the organization of the Graphic Biennales whose long tradition reaches back to 1955.

In addition to the Biennales, the ICGA houses the Slovenian and World Graphics Collection. The centre managed to obtain, either by means of purchase or in the form of donations, a vast collection of museum material, containing approximately 3,500 graphic papers and 400 author books and other art publications. Furthermore, the ICGA is an institution that actively promotes and publishes art graphics. The two studios – one for gravure printing and the other for serigraphy – are intended for both Slovenian and foreign artists. The ICGA is a publisher of original graphics, and of biennale and other type exhibition catalogues.

Exhibitions and events

Victor Vasarely v odmevu

Temporary exhibition until 13.04.2025

Razstava  Victor Vasarely v odmevu  z izborom Vasarelyjevih grafik, slik in objektov iz različnih obdobij njegove kariere slovenskemu občinstvu prvič po mnogih letih ponuja obsežnejši...

Educational programs

Muzejska poletna noč


Vodeni ogled 33. grafičnega bienala Ljubljana, začetek vodstva v MGLC

Muzejska poletna noč


Otroški atelje, delavnice za otroke, Švicarija

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