The theme of this year’s biennial is a Fabula. Though it is a literary term, the narrative is presented by means of watercolours or is focussed on watercolour. In their works, the participants of the exhibition recreate a story – real or imagined, that has already happened or is about to happen, its characters and the environment, causes and connections, the end or the presentiment of the continuation.

The International Watercolour Biennial “Baltic Bridges” is an international selective-competitive exhibition organized every two years and comprises certain accompanying events: personal and group exhibitions, conferences, master classes, discussions, etc. Watercolourists and other professional artists from all countries around the Baltic Sea (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Germany and other Nordic countries – Norway, Iceland, Åland and the Faroe Islands, etc.) exhibit their works created in watercolour techniques, other creators present conceptual connections with watercolour. The works submitted for the selective-competitive exhibition have been evaluated by an international jury. The collection formed from the selected works is exhibited in the Kaunas Picture Gallery.

Since 2006, when organizing the biennial, a lot of attention has been paid to several important moments: professionalism and perfect craftsmanship, relevance and modernity, innovation and the possibilities of using watercolour outside the framework of traditions. The aim is to illustrate that watercolour, as a very old and complex technique, can be used in modern times and is equivalent to other means of painting.

Exhibitions and events

Australian and Lithuanian artist Jazmina Cininas' exhibition "The Sparrow Made Some Beer"

Temporary exhibition at Kaunas Picture Gallery until 27.08.2024

Australian and Lithuanian artist Jazmina Cininas' exhibition "The Sparrow Made Some Beer". Perhaps Jazmina Cininas best known for her technically demanding reduction linocuts of female werewolves,...

The exhibition "The Passenger on the Move". In memory of Justinas Mikutis (1922–1988)"

Temporary exhibition at Kaunas Picture Gallery until 25.08.2024

The exhibition "The Passenger on the Move". In memory of Justinas Mikutis (1922–1988)". This exhibition is a story about Justinas Mikutis, a symbol of civil disobedience in Soviet Lithuania. For his...

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