From the 7th November 2010 beats the heart of the Maya in Hamburg. The mysteriousMayan culture is one of the most diverse of humanity. Their achievements in art andscience were amazing: they had their own writing system and a precise calendar, cities with magnificent buildings, such as 70 m high pyramid, knew the zero, possessed extensive long-distance trade networks and created breathtaking works of art.
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On the trail of the Indians of North America: In this exhibition, the museum presents a rich selection of his Native American heritage. Spirituality and healing, communication, beauty and history -...
In the African exhibition traditional culture and religion meet the modern African life.Valuable objects thematically lead into the life of a people from the countries south ofSahara. Text source...
Treasure hunt in the museum! In the treasures of the Incas and archaeologicaltreasures from gallery there are 4000 years of cultural history of pre-Hispanic Andean peoples. In addition...
Bali is small, but surely one of the most unique islands in the Indonesian archipelago.The many gods and demons of the Hindu world figures have left their mark on theisland. Many of...
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