Memorial evening on the 100th anniversary of the birth of JANEZ ALBREHT

March 2025 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of actor Janez Albreht, who played around 180 roles in Slovenian theatres from the end of World War II to the mid-1990s. He was employed by the Ljubljana Drama Theatre (1945–49), the Ljubljana City Theatre (1949–52 and 1954–62), the Celje Slovenian Folk Theatre (1953–54) and then again by the Ljubljana Drama Theatre (from 1962 until his retirement). He also played a lot in radio plays and worked for film and television.

At the 100th anniversary evening, we will remember the actor who made a significant impact on Slovenian theatre with the help of materials from our collections – with audio and audio-visual recordings and photographs of Albreht's most prominent roles. The evening is being prepared by the theatrologue and curator Ana Perne. 

Free admission. You are cordially invited!

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