Insights into the Theatre History: Shakespeare's Hamlet and Hamlet as a Ballet

The Slovenian Theatre Institute (SLOGI) and SNT Opera and Ballet Ljubljana are continuing with a new collaboration of current season, which builds on the collaboration between SLOGI and SNT Drama Ljubljana that started last season. In the series of lectures and discussions entitled “Insights into the Theatre History“, we place selected productions of the current season of the two national theatres in a broader historical, artistic and social context. The events preceding the selected premieres offer an exclusive insight into the collections of Slovenian Theatre Institute - Theatre Museum and the archives of the theatres, and encourage the audience to reflect on the themes and issues raised by the theatre plays, their critical reception and theatre history. This lecture and a discussion with the creators will also announce the production of Leo Mujić's ballet Hamlet, which draws its material from Shakespeare's celebrated play Hamlet and its music from the works of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky and Camille Saint-Saëns, and which will have its premiere on the stage of the SNT Opera and Ballet Ljubljana on 20 February 2025.

In this edition of “Insights into the Theatre History“, we will present Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet: the sources from which the playwright drew, the Elizabethan era and the theatre, the questions raised by this ‘drama of all dramas’, and its significance for Slovenian theatre history. With the ballet dancers Janez Mejač and Vojko Vidmar, who appeared in the title role in 1975, we will talk about the first Slovenian ballet production of Hamlet, and the choreographer of the new production, Leo Mujić, will help us take a closer look at the creation of the newest ballet Hamlet. The event was designed by Sonja Kerin Krek (SNT Opera and Ballet Ljubljana) and mag. Tea Rogelj (Slovenian Theatre Institute), who will also moderate the event.

The number of seats is limited. You can reserve free tickets by sending a message to or in person at the Opera Opera Box Office.

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