Town Hall

Gorenjski muzej - Mestna hiša

The town hall in Kranj is one of the most important architectural monuments in Slovenia. Its present form was achieved by the merging of two buildings. The older part, bordering Postna Street, is first mentioned in the first half of the 16th century. A late Gothic colonnade hall from the beginning of the 16th century, originally meant for the storage of merchants’ goods from distant places, is located on the ground floor. The central part of the building, with the main entrance, is one of the finest Renaissance mansions in Slovenia. It dates back to the 17th century. The vestibule ceiling on the ground floor and first floor is adorned by a decorative mesh arch. The Renaissance hall on the first floor is now a wedding hall. It is decorated by inlaid doors with the year 1638 and a wooden coffered ceiling in the Renaissance style. In 1965, old Slavic graves and a fireplace from the 9th and 10th centuries were discovered in the entrance hall. 

There are three permanent exhibitions on display in the town hall: a collection by the sculptor Lojze Dolinar (1893 – 1970), the archaeological exhibition, The Iron Thread (Železna nit) and the ethnological exhibition Gorenjska Folk Art (Ljudska umetnost na Gorenjskem). There is a gallery and a colonnade hall on the ground floor where temporary museum and art exhibitions are displayed. 

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Železna nit

Permanent exhibition

V želji, da bi obdržali živo vez med pokrajino in človekom, smo poleg izjemnih fosilnih najdb rib in mamuta z Bobovka ter bizona z Leš prikazali tudi geološke plasti, ki so nastajale...

Zbirka kiparja Lojzeta Dolinarja

Permanent exhibition

Lojze Dolinar (1893–1970) spada med osrednje predstavnike slovenskega kiparstva 20. stoletja. Velja za enega vodilnih predstavnikov realizma, secesije, ekspresionizma, nove stvarnosti in...

Ljudska umetnost na Gorenjskem

Permanent exhibition

Gorenjska ljudska umetnost je rasla in se razvijala iz korenin domačega izročila, pa tudi iz pobud, ki so prihajale v vaško okolje iz umetnosti bogatejših družbenih slojev. Vplivi...

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