Slovenci v XX. stoletju

Kako dobro poznate slovensko zgodovino? 20. stoletje sodi med najburnejša obdobja slovenske zgodovine. Slovenci smo v tem času zamenjali nekaj držav in državnih ureditev, preživeli dve svetovni vojni, se vključili v tehnološko revolucijo, v zadnji, osamosvojitveni vojni pa dosegli samostojno državo. Razstavna pripoved popelje obiskovalce skozi strelski jarek iz prve svetovne vojne, mimo Kraljevine SHS do osebnih pripovedi in izkušenj druge svetovne vojne, ki jim sledijo obdobja povojne obnove, socializma in industrializacije, elektrifikacije in planskega gospodarstva. V nadaljevanju obiskovalec spremlja oblikovanje jugoslovanske različice socializma, t. i. samoupravljanja, in se nenadoma znajde sredi demokratičnih vrenj v osemdesetih, ki leta 1991 privedejo do osamosvojitve in življenja v samostojni Sloveniji. Ogled se zaključi z vstopom Slovenije v Evropsko unijo leta 2004 in predsedovanjem Svetu Evropske unije v letu 2008.

Exhibitions and events

Slovenians in the 20th Century

Permanent exhibition

How well do you know Slovenian history? The 20th century is one of the most turbulent periods in the nation’s history. During this time, the territory of today’s Slovenia was part of several...

Marjan Ciglič – The Master of Photography

Temporary exhibition at National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia until 10.02.2025

Exhibition marking the centenary of the birth of Dnevnik photojournalist Marjan Ciglič – The Master of Photography for all Times This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of photojournalist...

Public guided tour of the permanent exhibition »Slovenes in the 20th Century«

Event at National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia on 31.07.2024 11:00

Public guided tours of the permanent exhibition »Slovenes in the 20th Century« in English language at the National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia. Public guided tours in English language...

Public guided tours of the permanent exhibition Slovenes in the 20th Century

Event at National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia on 04.08.2024 11:00

Discover the history of Slovenes in the 20th Century Join us at the free public tour through the National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia Permanent Exhibition – Slovenes in the 20th...

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Activities from this museum


ROJSTNODNEVNE ZABAVE ZA OTROKE V MUZEJU Odličen in zabaven način praznovanja...

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