History of the danish armed forces
The permanent exhibition is split in to themes. This part tells the story of the danish armed forces from the date of creation in 1614 by royal decree up until today. The Funen Liferegiment is the center of the exhibit because the museum started out as a collection under The Funen Liferegiment, Odense.
We pressent the wars and the battles particulally the funen part of the army has participated in, as well as some personal stories. A lagre part of this exhibit is concerned whith the day of german occupation of Denmark april 9th 1940, because a lot of the soldiers at the front on this day were "funen boys". The museum has a collection of personal objects from the soldiers that fought the germans on this day that really bring the events to life. A unique and moving part of the museum, that should not be missed.
A part of this exhibit inklude the danish homeguard and the musiccorps of The Funen Liferegiment.