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Issue #3 | October 2014 |
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Image: A Young Girl Reading or The Reader (La Liseuse), an 18th century oil painting by Jean-Honoré Fragonard. |
Francisco de Goya in the Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Vintage board games from the collection of the Amsterdam Museum
A great collection of historical black and white photographs from the Kupiškis Ethnographic Museum
Vintage advertisements from Biblioteca Valenciana Digital
Hand painted plates from the National Museum of Decorative Arts
Did you know there is a museum, named for and based on a novel?
MNAC Museum of National Liberation
Teylers Museum Božidar Jakac Art Museum
Do you need help with our CMS? Creating Europe’s museum database and keeping it up-to-date is no easy task, but with your help it’s improving daily! We have tried to make our CMS as user friendly as possible, but we need your feedback! Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. We'll be happy to assist you! To make your work easier, we have already integrated several hundred collections from Europeana and if you’re providing data to Culture24 it automatically shows on your listing – provided we have your code in the system (UK museums only). Once again, we’d like to thank you for your help! We take your feedback very seriously, so keep it coming.
As a registered user of Museums.EU, you can write reviews and mark your favourites. To give you an overview of your activity, we have created user profiles. Your user profile also lets you control your account settings (like changing your name or your password). To access your profile: - Log in with your username and password - Click on your username in the top menu
If you find a mistake or if a museum is missing, please suggest an update! Also, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. We'll be happy to hear from you!
With the help of your nominations Museums.EU made it to the finale of the .eu Web awards, an online competition launched with the objective to distinguish and award .eu websites. The winners will be announced during the awards ceremony in Brussels on 19 November 2014. Thank you for your support and keep your fingers crossed!
Our Facebook and Twitter pages have already gathered more than 20.000 followers. We share interesting stories and highlight outstanding content every day, so why not join us? Do you read our blog? We keep you entertained and well informed with posts about Museums and other related projects.
We’re curious to see if Museums.EU is getting the .eu Web Award in the Rising Stars category! Also, we’re still working on the brand new Museums.EU mobile apps. If you would like to be one of early beta testers email us and we’ll get in touch. |