"The Golden Wreath" presented to Mrs. Madlena Zepter

The newly established recognition by the Serbian Ministry of Culture "The Golden Wreath", which is awarded for special contributions to Serbian culture through patronage and donorship, was presented to Mrs. Madlena Zepter on the 18th of January 2011 at the Kolarac Foundation hall.

The jury comprised of the following members: academician Svetlana Velmar Jankovic (Chairman), academician Vladimir Velickovic, director Goran Paskaljevic, architect Brana Mitrovic and actress Natasa Ninkovic, made an unanimous decision that the recognition "The Golden Wreath" is to be given to Mrs. Zepter. In the jury’s explanation it is said that Mrs. Zepter was awarded the recognition because "for two decades she has been embedding her name and great financial funds into the culture and art of our country."

The crown of all these investments is the Zepter Museum in 42, Knez Mihailova Street, in the heart of Belgrade.

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