Deutsche Kinemathek - Museum für Film und Fernsehen

Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen

The Deutsche Kinemathek - Museum für Film und Fernsehen (German Museum of Film and Television) covers the entire world of cinema – from the first moving images to digital film. The permanent exhibition "Film" takes visitors on a journey through more than a century of German film history. Pioneering cinema, silent film stars, films in the Weimar Republic and during the Third Reich, Marlene Dietrich, exile in Hollywood, post-war film and modern-day German cinema. Focal points include highlights from Marlene Dietrich’s personal estate.

The permanent exhibition "Television" provides an overview of five decades of German television, enabling visitors to discover treasured moments from past programmes along with the developments of German TV in the east and west.

Special exhibitions diversify the cultural-historical contexts of film and television, and complete the brief survey of the history of both media.

Because children also usually enjoy watching film and TV, the Museum of Film and Television takes their interests very seriously indeed. It regularly puts on special exhibitions that are aimed primarily at young audiences.

Exhibitions and events

Permanent Exhibition Film and Television

Permanent exhibition

The permanent exhibition focuses on its two defining media – film and television – from their origins to the present. In keeping, the exhibition on the history of film ranges from an 1895...

… and Action! How are Films and Television Made?

Permanent exhibition

The spotlights come on. Everything on the set is in place. The sound and camera teams are in position. The makeup artist powders the actors one more time. Then the director gives the signal:...

Bigger Than Life. Ken Adam's Film Design

Permanent exhibition

Sir Ken Adam is one of the most innovative and most influential production designers of our time. His sets for Stanley Kubrick’s DR. STRANGELOVE (1964) and the James Bond films from DR...

Educational programs

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