Trubar Homestead

Trubarjeva domačija

Trubar Homestead was opened at Velike Lašče in 1986 on the 400th anniversary of the death of Primož Trubar (1508–1586), founder of the literary Slovene language and leader of the Protestant Reformation movement in Slovenia.

The homestead is a reconstruction of Trubar's original home, Temkov maln ("Temk's Mill"), and is presented in period style with copies of his books and a range of other documents and artefacts connected with his life and work, plus pictures of his famous contemporaries, including some of the rulers of the time. Next to the main building are a traditional Slovene kozolec ("wooden hay-drying rack"), a water-driven Venetian sawmill and the Skedenj Gallery. The former stables have been turned into an inn and the granary into a reception and a shop.

Exhibitions and events

Žagarska zbirka

Permanent exhibition

Tradicija mlinarstva in žagarstva je pravzaprav edino, kar se je ohranilo iz Trubarjevih časov. Ob potoku Rašica in obema zgornjima pritokoma je bilo v preteklosti petindvajset takih žag....

Vsem Slovencem

Permanent exhibition

Zgodovinska razstava »Vsem Slovencem« širi ljubezen do slovenskega jezika in kulture in želi povezati vse Slovence. Nastala je kot dragocen prispevek k praznovanjem ob 500-letnici...

Spominska hiša z mlinom

Permanent exhibition

Trubarjeva domačija stoji na bregu rečice Rašica. Sestavljajo jo spominska hiša z mlinom, žaga venecijanka, gospodarsko poslopje in kozolec.   SPOMINSKA HIŠA Hiša z mlinom je osrednja...

Educational programs

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