Museum of Eastern Bohemia in Hradec Králové

Muzeum východních Čech v Hradci Králové

According to many inhabitants of Hradec Králové the building of the Museum of Eastern Bohemia is the most beautiful one in the whole city. It was founded in 1908 though completely finished four years later in 1912. Several singificant Czech artists participated in its decoration – the sculptor Vojtěch Sucharda, painters Jan Preisler, František Kysel or Josef Novák.

The building was from the very beginning planned to be a museum and it is the only national monument in the town. The architect Jan Kotěra designed the interiors as well including furniture and other equipment.

There are annually about 10 – 15 exhibitions taking place in the Eastern Bohemia Museum. The permanent exposition comprises three interactive models of the town from the Middle Ages, military fortifications and these days.

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