Winner of Best of the Best in the Museums and Heritage Awards 2013, the Natural History Museum is a world-class visitor attraction and a leading science research centre.
Through our collections and scientific expertise, we are helping to conserve the extraordinary richness and diversity of the natural world with groundbreaking projects in more than 68 countries.
The Museum looks after 70 million natural history specimens and six million rare books and manuscripts at our site in South Kensington, our Museum at Tring and our storage facility in Wandsworth.
Images of Nature is a new permanent gallery showcasing the Museum's world-famous collection of natural history artworks. Prints, watercolours and paintings from eminent natural history artists such...
Meet a terrifying T-rex, unearth Baryonyx bones and inspect the Triceratops skeleton in our world-renowned Dinosaurs gallery. Sort the facts from the myths about why dinosaurs died out and delve into...
Highlights include a collection of 296 naturally coloured diamonds known as the Aurora Pyramid of Hope, Medusa, a giant, one-of-a-kind emerald from Zambia, and Tissint, a Martian meteorite that...
Travel through the Cocoon experience deep into the heart of the collections to glimpse the working life of our scientists. See the previously hidden world of scientific research through viewing...
Indulge your passion for natural history, botanical illustration and scientific investigation. This permanent gallery showcases highlights from the Museumâs extensive collection of prints,...
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