Medobčinski muzej Kamnik
Since 1961, the administrative and exhibition premises of the Intermunicipual Museum of Kamnik have been located in the Zaprice Castle. In 1979 the Musem also acquired the premises of a burger’s house situated at the Glavni trg Square in Kamnik, where nowadays the Miha Maleš Gallery is situated.
The Museum’s activities include studying, documenting, collecting, preserving and presenting the movable cultural heritage of the following municipalities: Kamnik, Domžale, Mengeš, Moravče, Komenda, Lukovica and Trzin.
As visitors move through the castle, from the Renaissance-style ground-floor to the salon, where paintings from the periods of Baroque and the end of the 19th century are put on display, permanent exhibitions introduce them to the rich town history and creativity from its very beginnings to present times.
Permanent exhibitions include: Lapidary, Reflections of the Kamnik Centuries, Thonet Furniture Collection, Exhibition of Life and Work of Kamnik Townspeople in the 19th Century, Open-Air Museum with Wooden Granaries from the Tuhinjska dolina Valley. The Miha Maleš Gallery exhibits works of the artist Miha Maleš, as well as works of its contemporaries and the art of the 20th century in general.
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