Museo de Salamanca

Founded in1848, the Museum of Salamanca, keeps the material memory of Salamanca province (in Castilla y León, Spain) From Paleolithic to recent times: It comprises collections of Fine Arts, Anthropology anf Archaeology,

The actual place of the Museum is the old noble Hoause of the three "Doctors of the Queen",  or of the Royal Family of Spain in XVIth century, as it shows in the coat of arms in the stone above of the great acces ti the House which represents that of the Catholic Kings Elisabeth and Ferdinand.

The access to the public in situated in of front of the "Fachada Rica" (Great facade) of the University of Salamanca one of the oldest of Europe.

In the exhibition the public can enjoy sculptures of "verracos", representations in granite of male hoards that embellised the walls of the celtic cities 2.500 years ago, and also tomb marks of warrios with their weapons form 3.500 year before present.

Teh art collection shows italian and dutch school paintings, barroque spanish art and modern art, standing out the deposits form National Museumss (Prado and Reina Sofia).

One forgery donated by que village of Tremedal del Tormes (Salamanca) yrepresents the anthropological colletion.

The museos also  show temporary exhibitions and  educational activities.

Keywords: Museo-de-Salamanca

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