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Munch Museum

The Munch Museum is a monographic art museum, dedicated to the life and work of the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch. In our museum at Tøyen, we have the world's largest collection of Munch's art, with almost 28 000 works of art in addition to personal effects, tools and even Edvard Munchs private library.

Our collection of 28 000 artworks consist of 1 150 paintings, 17 800 prints, 7 700 drawings (including his 200 sketch-books), 21 sculptures and a number of photographs taken by Munch himself.

The museum's programme also comprises film screenings, audioguides, concerts, guided tours and lectures. The museum has a shop with catalogues and souvenirs and a café that serves salads, pastries, sandwiches etc. The museum's library houses literature on Edvard Munch and other artists.

50 percent reduction on ticket to the Stenersen Museum when presenting ticket from the Munch Museum.



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