The Ancient Egyptian Mummy

In 1846, Sir Anton Lavrin, the Austrian general consul in Egypt, gave to what was then the Museum of the Province of Carniola in Ljubljana an Egyptian mummy in a painted wooden anthropomorphic coffin. Today this is the only Ancient Egyptian anthropomorphic coffin with a human mummy in Slovenia. The hieroglyphs on the coffin were translated in 1866 by Albert Kosmač, the first Slovenia Orientalist. It was evident from them that the mummified Isahta had been a priest in the temple of Amon at Karnak, and that he lived in the turbulent late period of the 25th or 26th dynasty (7th - 6th cent. BC). The coffin and mummy were fully conserved and restored in 2000-2002, and many investigations were also performed then.

The coffin and the mummy are presented to the public together with several other artifacts from Ancient Egypt in the ground floor hallway of the museum, along with the results of the primarily non-destructive examinations. A brief film presents information about the lengthy conservation, restoration, and investigation of the coffin and mummy. An interesting educational program also parallels the exhibit.


Exhibitions and events

Treasures of the National Museum of Slovenia

Permanent exhibition

The exhibition presents a selection of objects ranging from the Stone Age to the Medieval and Modern Periods. These represent the most important and most precious artifacts from the...

Rimski lapidarij Narodnega muzeja Slovenije

Permanent exhibition

Na ogled je zbirka več kot 200 kamnitih spomenikov z rimskimi latinskimi napisi, polna informacij o spomenikih in rimskem obdobju na slovenskem ozemlju. Narodni muzej Slovenije ima namreč med...

Slovene language: identity and symbol. A short History of Slovenes

Permanent exhibition

The exhibition presents the history of the Slovenians from the early days of Slavic settlement to the present day. The common thread running through the exhibition is the Slovenian language,...

Zgodovinske in umetnostne zbirke

Permanent exhibition

Po domala dvestotih letih zbiranja vsakovrstnih predmetov, ki so se izdelovali in uporabljali na naših tleh in so značilni in pomembni za Slovenijo in Slovence, je od leta 2008 odprta stalna...

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