1081 - 1120 of 2081 objects

Armand EISEN: Friendship (Prijateljstvo)

Armand EISEN: For father with love (Očetu z...

Armand EISEN: A little book of love (Mala knjiga...

Van Wyck BROOKS: From a writer’s notebook (Iz...

-: The inaugural address of John Fitzgerald...

Louis JACOBS: The Jewish festivals (Judovski...

Wilbur L. CROSS: Thanksgiving day proclamations...

Thomas Burnet SWANN: Alas, in Lilliput...

Thomas JEFFERSON: On science and freedom (O...

-: The inaugural address of (Inavguralni govor...

-: Magna Carta of King John AD 1215 (Magna Carta...

-: The diary of Phoebe Chaffin Sallady (Dnevnik...

-: Micro mini Bible. New Testament and psalms...

Robert L. MERRIAM: Curious Emily (Radovedna Emily)

Wallace NETHERY: Random notes on men, women and...

-: A Latin abecedarian (Latinski abecednik)

Frank IRWIN: Sound track (Zvočna sled)

Robert L. MERRIAM: Pleasant Beth or, a good girl...

Mark TWAIN: The adventures of Tom Sawyer (Prigode...

-: Paul Revere’s ride – A deposition (Ježa Paula...

Robert Hutchings GODDARD: The autobiography –...

Joan WICKHAM: Saint Augustine Florida 1565–1965...

-: The holy year of 1983-1984 (Sveto leto...

-: Your Bible (Tvoje Sveto pismo)

David McCORD: Notes from four cities 1927-1953...

Archibald MACLEISH: Remarks at the dedication of...

-: Thoreau’s turtle nest – from the journal notes...

-: The eulogy to United States Senator Robert F....

Doyce B. NUNIS: Francis J. Weber, the monsignor...

Jane APOSTOL: Blue beads and garlic (Modre...

Mark TWAIN: The war prayer (Vojna molitev)

-: John Aubrey`s miscellanies with engravings and...

Joan Adams WICKHAM: Ladybug graphics (Grafike...

Frank J. ANDERSON: Latin jive (Latinski jive)

-: Duke Ellington remembered (Spomin na Dukea...

-: The inaugural address of Richard Milhous Nixon...

-: The declaration of independence (Deklaracija...

Kenneth A. BERNARD: Abraham Lincoln – The song in...

Esther K. BEAMER: Treasure? (Zaklad?)

Tom NEAL: The bookshop of Selmore Jomes. A...