I Shall Remain a Musician - Music Career of Alfi Nipič

Alfi Nipič inherited his singing talent from his mother Ana, a native of Zagreb, and began singing as a high school student. The desire to sing was so strong that he exchanged the Super Rifle jeans given to him by his mother, to her great indignation, for a guitar. He had his first musical performances at school celebrations, and his first public performance at a New Year's Eve party in the former Hutter's villa in 1960. At the youth dances in the newly built Hall C at the Maribor fairgrounds, he met the ensemble of Berti Rodošek. He sang with them a few times. He also performed with the ensemble Vitek in the Jadran café on Partizanska cesta.
A decisive appearance for Alfi Nipič's career was in the public broadcast of RTV Ljubljana Sončna ura. He won with then-popular Chubby Checker hit Let's Twist Again. His victory brought the Sundial to Maribor. In the duet with Damjan Katalinič, he sang Adrian Celentan's hit Everybody Dance in a duet with Damjan Katalinič. The door to the Yugoslav music scene opened for him.


Exhibitions and events

Shhh! Maribor 1941-1945

Permanent exhibition

Shhh! Due to the secret nature of this data, we cannot disclose everything in this invitation, so we'd like you to join us at the opening of our permanent exhibition.

»Na desni ga, na levi ni – pred nami svetli cilj leži«

Permanent exhibition

Razstava prikazuje predvsem boj za slovensko severno mejo na Štajerskem in vzhodnem Koroškem, na ozemlju, ki je bilo konec leta 1918 v Štajerskem obmejnem poveljstvu. Atentat na...

A Monument to Maribor's Industry - Industrial Maribor in the 20'th Century

Permanent exhibition

Along with its favourable geographical position and advantageous conditions also its electrification contributed to the industrial boom of Maribor and northeastern Slovenia. Namely, the first...

Maribor is ours!

Permanent exhibition

After the formation of Yugoslavia, Maribor became an important border city, representing Yugoslavia’s north-western gate into the world. The city became the transport route connecting the Alps and...

History of Photography

Permanent exhibition

From the very beginning, humankind has had the desire to prove themselves and to understand the world surrounding them. Certainly there were moments when people wished to capture a moment in an...

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Activities from this museum

In zasvetila je luč 1883 - Predšolski in I. triada

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Kaj se skriva v muzeju? - Predšolski, 1. triada

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