Daniel Morgenthaler: Kuratorstvo? Koratorstvo!

Daniel Morgenthaler: Kuratorstvo? Koratorstvo!
Šola za kuratorske prakse in kritiško pisanje Svet umetnosti
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O predavanju

Da bi si bolje zapomnili svoje govore, so antični grški in rimski govorniki posamezne dele govora naselili v različne sobe imaginarne ali obstoječe arhitekture. Medtem ko so govorili, so se počasi premikali skozi namišljeno arhitekturo (podobno kot pri sprehodu po digitalnih arhitekturah računalniških iger), med potjo so razbirali vsebino in korakali proti izhodu – sklepu svojega govora. Kuratorji običajno ne delujemo znotraj namišljenih arhitektur, kvečjemu digitalnih. Pa vendar morda obstajajo paralele med načinom priprave na govor po metodi loci in organizacijo razstave v med sabo sledečih si sobah razstavnega prostora. Na ta način je tudi pripravo razstav mogoče razumeti kot svojevrstno mnemotehniko, se pravi postavljanja vsebin v različne sobe skladno z logiko ali retoriko posameznih tem.

Česa se lahko kuratorji in kuratorke naučijo od govornikov, tako antičnih kot sodobnih? Ali so morda razstave sodobne umetnosti bolj kot orodje memoriranja, ki je vsekakor predmet historičnih muzejev, v resnici orodje mnemoriranja? So razstave prostor razmišljanja o umetnosti, premisleka o umetnosti s tendencami po memoriranju? Literarno teorijo (pre)pogosto apliciramo na področje umetnosti. Lahko omenjene principe retorike apliciramo tudi na kuriranje? Na predavanju bo Daniel Morgenthaler o teh in podobnih vprašanjih razpravljal glede na kontekst svojih preteklih in prihodnjih razstav razstavnega prizorišča Helmhaus Zürich.


Daniel Morgenthaler (1978) je v Zürichu in Sheffieldu študiral angleščino, nemščino in filozofijo. Od leta 2011 je kot kurator zaposlen v Helmhaus Zürich, kjer je med drugim kuriral razstave Talk to the Hand (2013), !Mediengruppe Bitnik – Delivery for Mr. Assange/Christian Waldvogel – unknown (2014), Asia Andrzejka Naveen – Mas cerca/De La Fuente Oscar De Franco – Bluecore (2015). Kot neodvisni avtor sodeluje pri pripravi in izdaji razstavnih katalogov, revij in časopisov, kot na primer Kunstbulletin, Züritipp in Apartamento. V sklopu magistrskih programov poučuje na Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK). Skupaj s kritičarko in kuratorko Aoife Rosenmeyer in podporo Pro Helvetie je leta 2014 v Švici ustanovil program delavnic kritiškega pisanja Crritic!.


Predavanje pripravlja svet umetnosti l world of art / SCCA-Ljubljana. Program podpirata Mestna občina Ljubljana – Oddelek za kulturo in Veleposlaništvo Švice.

Več o predavanju: http://www.worldofart.org/aktualno/archives/10294


Daniel Morgenthaler: Curating? Corating!
World of Art, School for Curatorial Practices and Critical Writing
Series of public lectures

About the lecture

It is a bit like picking up weapons in the digital architecture of an ego shooter game: Ancient Greek and Roman orators memorized their speeches by placing portions of content in different rooms of an imagined or remembered architectural structure. While giving their speeches, they would make their way through this brain architecture, gathering up contents along the way, aiming for the exit – i.e. the finale of their speech. As curators, we are – usually – not working in imagined architectures, if, then maybe in digital ones. But perhaps there are certain parallels between organizing speeches using the “method of loci” and organizing exhibitions in the chain of rooms that constitute an art space. And maybe exhibition making is also a kind of mnemotechnology: placing content in rooms, along the logic or rhetoric of a certain topic.

What can curators learn from orators, ancient or contemporary? Are exhibitions of contemporary art maybe less a tool of memory – that’s more the thing of historical museums – but of mnemory, with an n? Places of thinking art, of rethinking art, of memorizing tendencies? Literary theory is widely – and sometimes too generally – applied to arts. Could the principles of rhetoric be applied to curating, to more effect? These and other questions will be discussed in the context of future and past exhibitions at Helmhaus Zürich.


Daniel Morgenthaler (1978) has studied English, German and Philosophy in Zurich and Sheffield. Since 2011 he works as a curator at Helmhaus Zürich. Exhibitions include Talk to the Hand, 2013, !Mediengruppe Bitnik – Delivery for Mr. Assange/Christian Waldvogel – unknown, 2014, Asia Andrzejka Naveen – Mas cerca/De La Fuente Oscar De Franco – Bluecore, 2015. As a freelance author, he contributes to exhibition catalogues, magazines and newspapers like Kunstbulletin, Züritipp and Apartamento. He regularly teaches at the MAS Curating and the MFA at the Zurich University of the Arts. Together with critic and curator Aoife Rosenmeyer and supported by Pro Helvetia, he established Crritic!, a workshop programme concerned with critical writing in Switzerland, in 2014.


The lecture is organized by World of Art/SCCA–Ljubljana and supported by City of Ljubljana – Department for Culture and Embassy of Switzerland.

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