O evropskih pedagogih v slovenski pedagoški periodiki 1880-1925.

Na pedagoški konferenci ECER, ki jo je pripravila EERA (European Educational Research Association) katere član je tudi Slovensko društvo raziskovalcev na področju edukacije (SLODRE), www.slodre.si, so se raziskovalci zgodovine izobraževanja iz različnih držav srečali pri mreži 17. zgodovine izobraževanja Network 17: Histories of Education.

V letu 2016 je konferenca ECER potekala na Irskem (University College Dublin) pod naslovom
"Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers"; Dublin, 22-26 August, 2016. http://www.eera-ecer.de/ecer-2016-dublin/

Konferenca je bila velika. Poročali so o kar 2.609 registriranih udeležencih  iz 74 in sodelovali na 805 konferenčnih sejah 31 EERA tematskih mrež, poleg tega pa še na 37 skupnih in 10 t.im. EERA sejah. Slovenskih predstavnikov je bilo osem. Med njimi je sodeloval s prispevkom o prisotnosti evropskih pedagogov v predstavitvah zgodovine izobraževanja v slovenski pedagoški periodiki tudi dr. Branko Šuštar iz Slovenskega šolskega muzeja v Ljubljani, ki je ob tem promoviral tudi slovensko raziskovanje zgodovine izobraževanja, posebej 38. zborovanje slovenskih zgodovinarjev z mednarodno udeležbo  na temo »Zgodovina izobraževanja« (Ravne na Koroškem, 28-30.9.2016), http://zzds.si/

Ob tem se je srečal tudi s predstavniki irskega pedagoškega muzeja v Dublinu (The Plunket Museum of Irish Education) ter se seznanil z gradivom, zbirkami in njihovo razstavno predstavitvijo. http://www.askaboutireland.ie/reading-room/culturenet/museums/dublin/plunket-museum-of-irish-e/index.xml; http://cice.ie/


The Presence of European Pedagogues in Presentations of History of Education in Slovene Pedagogical Periodicals 1880–1925

Prisotnost evropskih pedagogov v predstavitvah zgodovine izobraževanja v slovenski pedagoški periodiki 1880-1925



Network:  17. Histories of Education

17 SES 03 A, Internationalization (Part 1)

The contribution traces the presence of pedagogical classics and analyses of their pedagogical standpoints in Slovene pedagogical periodicals from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century. This is the period preceding World War I that brought about also the end of Austria-Hungary, the multinational central European Habsburg empire, in which Slovenes lived in several lands and then after 1918 the period of its successor states, four of which included also Slovene population. The survey addresses the question how ideational orientation of teaching or pedagogical periodicals was reflected also in the discussion of history of education or specific important European pedagogues. Articles on J. A. Comenius/Komensky, J.-J. Rousseau but also on J. H. Pestalozzi, J. F. Herbart and others German-speaking pedagogues marked various anniversaries and publishing of books; occasional entries presented the subject of inscriptions on school premises. The question is whether in Slovene periodicals the inclination toward respective standpoints of pedagogical classics was to a greater degree influenced by a general Slavic orientation or predominately by liberal-Catholic disputes in questions of education and upbringing that were in 1869 outlined in the liberal Austrian Education Act.


At the end of the 19th century liberal cultural orientation prevailed among Slovene teachers and such became also the central teacher journal »Učiteljski tovariš/Teachers Comrade« (published from 1861 onward) that was considered their topical political gazette. We shall also assess the position of the journal »Popotnik/ Traveller, pedagogical journal« (published from 1880 onwards) alongside the discussion of the European history of education. To what extent did it remain a scientific journal since it was published by an association of teacher societies that at the end of the 19th century took a liberal turn? The position of Pedagoški letopis/Pedagoški zbornik / Pedagogical Yearbook/Pedagogical Bulletin published from 1900 by Slovenska šolska matica/ Slovenian Pedagogical Society could be also interesting with some presentations of prominent European pedagogues. On the Catholic side, a new journal »Slovenski učitelj/Slovenian Teracher« was first published in 1899 as a gazette of the society »Slomškova zveza/Slomšek's Union«. This duality enables an estimation of the mode in which liberal or catholic orientation of pedagogical periodicals was accompanied also by different emphases in writings on the European history of education and pedagogy. What were the differences that were brought about by the period following World War I with its new borders that split Slovenes into four states (Yugoslavia, Italy, Austria, Hungary)? How noticeable are differences in the issues of the European history of education in Slovene pedagogical periodicals that were published in Italy (»Učiteljski list/Teachers Journal«, 1920-1926) and those that continued to be published in the Yugoslav part of Slovenia?


Branko Šuštar, Slovenian School Museum / Slovenski šolski muzej, Ljubljana



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